EVORA Global leads HECF to winning coveted ESG award

EVORA is delighted to have supported our long-standing client Hines European Core Fund (HECF) in helping them win the 2021 PREA Real Estate Investment Management ESG award, beating 59 other Funds to the prestigious title. The awards recognise PREA members at the forefront of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues within real estate investing and…

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No longer optional: Shifting to a more sustainable investment model

Recent months have seen a flurry of articles demonstrating that many sustainable (ESG) investments have outperformed their unsustainable non-ESG rivals during the intense market-downturn caused by COVID-19. BlackRock – one of the world’s largest investment managers – and MCSI – a leading investment research firm – are amongst those who have published robust analyses illustrating…

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