Social Reporting – Where to start?

Although ESG has by now been around for some time, in truth businesses have only been taking the S seriously for a few years. The social sector is very much environmental’s little sister. And, as with any emerging sector, the quality of metrics can vary and this can be a challenge for any organisation looking…

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CSRD: Is your organisation ready for the new ESG reporting requirements in Europe?

Further signs this week that the EU is seeking to strengthen environmental and social reporting requirements; Tuesday saw MEPs and EU national governments strike a provisional deal which would require major corporates to report on how their businesses impact on both people and the environment. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require that major…

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Why Social Wellbeing?

EVORA Global is delighted to launch its newest Service Line this month: Social Wellbeing. After months of preparation, we are now able to offer Social Wellbeing services to our clients as we continue to move towards delivering truly comprehensive E, S and G support to the industry. Social disruption from climate change, inequality and public…

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