Join Our Webinar: The Role of Regulation as a Driver for Sustainable Infrastructure Investment

Tuesday 24 September, 15:00 BST | 10:00 ET – Sign up here     Are you looking to better understand the regulatory landscape around sustainability and infrastructure investments? Our upcoming webinar is here to guide you through two crucial frameworks: TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) and SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation). These frameworks…

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A brief history of materiality and ESG at the SEC

It is interesting reading the comments [1] to the proposed ruling by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors [2]. Points raised are diverse, but broadly fall within one of two camps; those vehemently opposed to the ruling, and those in support (often calling for…

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Will TCFD prepare organisations for the climate crisis?

Yanna Badet, Meghan Johnson, Phil Fieldhouse, Karolina Krzystek-De Ranter and Lisa Tassis Climate Change is hard to ignore this summer:  Europe is battling heatwaves and wildfires, over 60% is in drought conditions while other parts of the world are experiencing several  1000-year floods within months. We are in a climate crisis, and we are feeling…

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Generalist Advisory Vs Sector Specialism

The commercial real asset market is evolving rapidly, and it’s no secret ESG is driving this evolution as the world transitions to a net zero economy. As a result, staying on top of ESG issues and applying them effectively to real asset investment and management is critical to keep up with the pace. The role…

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Embodied Carbon and its Role in Achieving Net Zero Carbon

Embodied Carbon accounts for the total greenhouse gas emissions released to the air as a result of constructing a building Commitments have been made to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050, Embodied Carbon must be considered and reduced to achieve this Climate change poses a number of financial risks Embodied Carbon studies can increase climate…

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Getting to (Net) Zero

In June of 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass laws requiring net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. ‘Zero carbon’ is an ambitious challenge and one that we at EVORA Global is well-poised at untangling.   So what do we mean by ‘zero carbon’? Though there are two important…

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