A Decade of Planet Mark – EVORA Global Achieves Certification for 10th Year Running

We are thrilled to announce that EVORA Global has achieved Planet Mark certification for the tenth consecutive year. Planet Mark is a highly-regarded sustainability certification that verifies and measures carbon and social data to reduce emissions and achieve the UN SDGs. The certification recognises continuous improvement, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded…

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My First Two Years at EVORA Global

Today marks two years since when I embarked on my journey in this incredible company. I was employee number 108 and now we have more than 200 EVORians. You would think it’s impossible to know everyone! However, thanks to our Fortnightly Stand Up, the Coffee Roulette, groups on Teams chats such as the Music Exchange…

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A Summary Guide to The CRREM and SBTi Update

The Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) & Science Based Target initiatives (SBTi) have recently published updates to the decarbonisation pathways. The recently released version is 1.5⁰C aligned and affects the tool’s underlying data in three important areas: carbon intensity, energy intensity, and SBTi-alignment. The new version addresses updated global emission budgets as well as…

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Being Green Never Looked So Good

Sustainability is a huge part of who we are at EVORA Global. It’s important in our work and in our day-to-day activities, so it’s no wonder that we’ve achieved Planet Mark certification for the 9th year running. We wanted to show some of the other ways we’ve made the London office more sustainable and eco-friendly…

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CSRD: Is your organisation ready for the new ESG reporting requirements in Europe?

Further signs this week that the EU is seeking to strengthen environmental and social reporting requirements; Tuesday saw MEPs and EU national governments strike a provisional deal which would require major corporates to report on how their businesses impact on both people and the environment. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require that major…

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