Unlocking Value Through Social Impact: Insights from Fitwel Social Performance Webinar #2

Blurred photo capturing the dynamic atmosphere of a modern open-plan office with people engaged in discussion and work.

Our recent webinar, the second in our Fitwel Social Performance series, delved into the business case behind Fitwel Social Performance. This session featured insights from Joanna Frank, President and CEO of Fitwel, and Philippa Gill, Executive Director of Strategic Accounts at EVORA Global. They explored the intersection of health, economic evidence, and the optimisation of…

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Fitwel Announces Certified Metrics Pilot to Substantiate Value & Risk

In Collaboration with EVORA Global, New Pilot Marks Codification of Metrics Connecting Health and Well-Being to “S” in ESG for Commercial Real Estate Industry  Fitwel®, the healthy building certification platform operated by the Center for Active Design (CfAD) and Active Design Advisors Inc. (Adai), announced today the launch of its Certified Metrics pilot in partnership…

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Designing Buildings with Women in Mind

Gender perspectives on building design and operation; what does ‘designing a building with women in mind’ actually look like? March 8th is a special day for everyone – not just for women – to acknowledge the incredible strides being made and highlight the continued hinderances to gender equality. This International Women’s Day, I’d like to…

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EVORA supports Schroder Real Estate Investment Management (SREIM) to achieve the first ‘Fitwel for Workplace: Multi-Tenant Whole Building’ Certification in Europe

The Schroder UK Real Estate Fund office asset, Battersea Studio 1, was officially awarded the first ‘Fitwel for Workplace: Multi-Tenant Whole Building’Certification in Europe. As official Fitwel Ambassadors, EVORA supported in the completion of the assessment. As a ‘Whole Building’ assessment, the Fitwel certification applies to the entire asset and all building users (including tenants),…

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HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale) certification for buildings in operation: how does it compare on health and wellbeing?

Although many may not be overly familiar with it (in comparison to the likes of BREEAM and LEED), HQE certification has the strongest presence in Europe by area, with buildings totalling approximately 85 million m2 certified at the end of 2017[1]. While HQE was first developed in France, the new international platform Cerway has brought…

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