Key Insights from the GRESB EMEA Regional Results Event Panel Discussion

At the recent GRESB EMEA Regional Results Event, Paul Sutcliffe, Executive Director and Co-Founder of EVORA Global, led an insightful panel discussion with sustainability leaders Natalie Sinha from UBS Asset Management (UBS AM), Hannah Brown from Hines, and Emma Williamson from M&G. Together, they shared insights on how to effectively integrate ESG practices across real…

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Will TCFD prepare organisations for the climate crisis?

Yanna Badet, Meghan Johnson, Phil Fieldhouse, Karolina Krzystek-De Ranter and Lisa Tassis Climate Change is hard to ignore this summer:  Europe is battling heatwaves and wildfires, over 60% is in drought conditions while other parts of the world are experiencing several  1000-year floods within months. We are in a climate crisis, and we are feeling…

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Climate Risk Readiness White Paper

1.   Why is climate change such an important investment risk for investors in real estate & infrastructure? A summary of the factors driving change in the real asset markets. In early 2020, before the pandemic hit, BlackRock’s Larry Fink called out the fact that “Climate Change is Investment Risk”. Three paragraphs of his annual letter…

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Embodied Carbon and its Role in Achieving Net Zero Carbon

Embodied Carbon accounts for the total greenhouse gas emissions released to the air as a result of constructing a building Commitments have been made to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050, Embodied Carbon must be considered and reduced to achieve this Climate change poses a number of financial risks Embodied Carbon studies can increase climate…

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Physical Climate Risk Assessment

EVORA’s Climate Resilience team has been advising clients on physical, transition and litigation risks associated with climate change – and how these affect the resilience of financial investments.  To this end, the EVORA team has been evaluating which specialist data analysis partner to work with. The majority of data services available today are focused on…

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Trends and expectations for sustainable real assets in 2019: Taking Climate Resilience Mainstream

Climate resilience has emerged as a key field of practice; however, a concern is that thinking and knowledge of this topic, and most importantly actions are not progressing quickly or purposefully enough for real estate managers to adequately prepare their assets for the potentially perilous shocks and stresses caused by climate change. Resilience is becoming…

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