Reflections on My First Year Supporting Sustainability Reporting

After a year of working as a consultant at EVORA, I have supported several clients through a full annual cycle of sustainability reporting. For the clients engaged with EVORA this varies between internal communications with investors and stakeholders, and external reporting to regulators, governing bodies and the public.   EVORA can support all these different…

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Turn SFDR to your advantage for sustainable and investible real estate

New regulations are excellent opportunities to prove transparency and compliance to investors interested in sustainable assets. We ask sustainability consultants Kris Kolenc and Karolina Krzystek-De Ranter how financial market participants can turn SFDR into a competitive advantage to secure a strong position in sustainable finance. Hi Kris, what is the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation…

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Sustainability software helps commercial real estate save energy – here’s how 

Investing in energy-saving sustainability software helps combat your surging energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Energy data insight, visual dashboards, and strategic action plans interact to optimise your energy consumption, drive cost savings, and deliver a clear roadmap for net zero compliance and resilient assets.  What is sustainability software?  Sustainability software reveals a detailed…

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Social Reporting – Where to start?

Although ESG has by now been around for some time, in truth businesses have only been taking the S seriously for a few years. The social sector is very much environmental’s little sister. And, as with any emerging sector, the quality of metrics can vary and this can be a challenge for any organisation looking…

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CSRD: Is your organisation ready for the new ESG reporting requirements in Europe?

Further signs this week that the EU is seeking to strengthen environmental and social reporting requirements; Tuesday saw MEPs and EU national governments strike a provisional deal which would require major corporates to report on how their businesses impact on both people and the environment. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require that major…

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How relevant will the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures be to the Real Estate sector?

There is a growing understanding that biodiversity loss and climate change are interlinked crises. Climate change degrades many ecosystems and makes the species within them more vulnerable; a decline in biodiversity reduces the ability of ecosystems to act as a carbon sink and to provide resilience for human populations through ecosystem services. The second part…

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A Quick Introduction to Social Value

Social value has been a theme for governments and businesses for the last decade. As something that started life as a means of trying to assure positive local outcomes for projects where public money was being spent, for example for a construction company commissioned to build a school, it has evolved into a broader concept…

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Keeping It Transparent

Sustainability reporting grows ever more mature, complex and demanding. Investors are demanding more transparency. Regulatory requirements are intensifying. The number and complexity of frameworks, standards, ratings and indices has increased – even with efforts to increase harmonisation. Formats and channels are diversifying, with digitalisation accelerated by the pandemic. This is generally positive and certainly a testament…

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