Health and Safety: The legal risks of ignoring it on small projects
Despite having been introduced four years ago, there is still limited understanding in the building services sector of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) and the new obligations it has placed on building owners. The 2015 regulations switched the balance of responsibility for health and safety from a CDM co-ordinator (a role which…
Read MoreLondon Plan: Generating your own electricity in London just became less attractive
The London Plan, which dictates all planning and development in the capital, is currently undergoing a major rewrite but many in the sector are unaware that some significant changes and adjustments have already come into force. In October last year, the Greater London Authority (GLA) published updated Energy Assessment Guidance which applies from January this…
Read MoreStreamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting – What does it mean for you?
Since its initial announcement in 2016, the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has been working on a new framework to simplify the complicated environmental reporting landscape that exists currently. What they came up with is known as the “Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting Framework” (SECR). Following an extensive consultation process, which EVORA…
Read MoreGRESB 2019 pre-release: a review of the tweaks and refinements
GRESB has broadly taken a “don’t fix what ain’t broke” approach to the 2019 survey, with the pre-release revealing that only minor changes to the reporting framework have been made from last year. This is perhaps a sign that, after ten years of development, GRESB are settling on a long-term formula for the majority of…
Read MoreGRESB 2019: What are your limiting factors?
It feels like not too long ago, the GRESB reporting season reached its climax and our consultants breathed a sigh of relief, dubbing last year as one of our busiest GRESB periods yet. Ironically, it’s set to get even busier for us this year with our team expected to support close to 90 submissions, quite…
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